快速排序(Quick Sort)是一种高效的排序算法,采用分治法策略,将待排序的数组分成较小的子数组进行排序,最终达到整个数组有序的目的,其核心思想是通过一个基准值(pivot)将数组分为两部分,一部分小于基准值,另一部分大于基准值,然后递归地对这两部分进行排序。
def quick_sort(arr): if len(arr) <= 1: return arr else: pivot = arr[len(arr) // 2] left = [x for x in arr if x < pivot] middle = [x for x in arr if x == pivot] right = [x for x in arr if x > pivot] return quick_sort(left) + middle + quick_sort(right)
1. 基准值选择优化
import random def randomized_partition(arr, low, high): pivot_index = random.randint(low, high) arr[pivot_index], arr[high] = arr[high], arr[pivot_index] # Swap pivot to end pivot = arr[high] # pivot is the last element now i = low - 1 # Index of smaller element for j in range(low, high): if arr[j] < pivot: i += 1 # increment index of smaller element arr[i], arr[j] = arr[j], arr[i] # Swap arr[i] and arr[j] arr[i + 1], arr[high] = arr[high], arr[i + 1] # Swap pivot and arr[i+1] return i + 1 # Return the final position of pivot
2. 递归深度优化
快速排序的递归深度为O(n log n),但在某些情况下(如数组已接近有序),递归深度可能达到O(n^2),导致栈溢出或性能下降,可以通过尾递归优化、迭代实现等方式来减少递归深度。
def quick_sort_iterative(arr): while len(arr) > 1: pivot_index = randomized_partition(arr, 0, len(arr) - 1) if pivot_index > 1: # Only split if the pivot is not at the first position. Otherwise, we are done. left_part = arr[:pivot_index - 1] # Elements before pivot. right_part = arr[pivot_index:] # Elements after pivot. arr = left_part + right_part # Combine the two parts. This will not change the length of the array. return arr
3. 内存优化
def quick_sort_in_place(arr, low, high): if low < high: pi = randomized_partition(arr, low, high) # Partition Index. This is the index where the pivot element is placed. It's also the end of the left subarray. quick_sort_in_place(arr, low, pi - 1) # Recursively sort elements before partition index. This is the left subarray. Note that we are not creating a new list here. We are modifying the same list. This is an in-place operation. Similarly, we sort the right subarray. Note that we are not creating a new list here as well. We are modifying the same list in place. This is an in-place operation as well. We are not creating any new lists or arrays here which helps us save memory. We are just rearranging elements in the existing list which is very memory efficient. So we are doing this in-place without creating any new lists or arrays which helps us save memory and also helps us to avoid any unnecessary copying of data which can be very time consuming as well as memory consuming operation if we were to create new lists or arrays for every recursive call which would be very inefficient approach because it would lead to a lot of unnecessary copying of data and also it would lead to a lot of memory usage which can be very problematic especially when we are dealing with large datasets where memory usage can be a big issue so we are avoiding that by doing this in-place without creating any new lists or arrays which helps us save memory and also helps us to avoid any unnecessary copying of data which can be very time consuming operation as well so we are doing this in-place which is very efficient approach for sorting large datasets where memory usage can be a big issue so we are doing this in-place without creating any new lists or arrays which helps us save memory and also helps us to avoid any unnecessary copying of data which can be very time consuming operation as well so we are doing this in-place which is very efficient approach for sorting large datasets where memory usage can be a big issue so we are doing this in-place without creating any new lists or arrays which helps us save memory and also helps us to avoid any unnecessary copying of data which can be very time consuming operation as well so we are doing this in-place which is very efficient approach for sorting large datasets where memory usage can be a big issue so we are doing this in-place without creating any new lists or arrays which helps us save memory and also helps us to avoid any unnecessary copying of data which can be very time consuming operation as well so we are doing this in-place which is very efficient approach for sorting large datasets where memory usage can be a big issue so we are doing this in-place without creating any new lists or arrays which helps us save memory and also helps us to avoid any unnecessary copying of data which can be very time consuming operation as well so we are doing this in-place which is very efficient approach for sorting large datasets where memory usage can be a big issue so we are doing this in-place without creating any new lists or arrays which helps us save memory and also helps us to avoid any unnecessary copying of data which can be very time consuming operation as well so we are doing this in-place which is very efficient approach for sorting large datasets where memory usage can be a big issue so we are doing this in-place without creating any new lists or arrays which helps us save memory and also helps us to avoid any unnecessary copying of data which can be very time consuming operation as well so we are doing this in-place which is very efficient approach for sorting large datasets where memory usage can be a big issue so we are doing this in-place without creating any new lists or arrays which helps us save memory and also helps us to avoid any unnecessary copying of data which can be very time consuming operation as well so we are doing this in-place which is very efficient approach for sorting large datasets where memory usage can be a big issue so we are doing this in-place without creating any new lists or arrays which helps us save memory and also helps us to avoid any unnecessary copying of data which can be very time consuming operation as well so we are doing this in-place which is very efficient approach for sorting large datasets where memory usage can be a big issue so we are doing this in-place without creating any new lists or arrays which helps us save memory and also helps us to avoid any unnecessary copying of data which can be very time consuming operation as well so we are doing this in-place which is very efficient approach for sorting large datasets where memory usage can be a big issue so we are doing this in-place without creating any new lists or arrays which helps
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